Thursday, February 28, 2008

Few thing get me more stoked on life than photography and skateboarding. Combine the two, and throw in a healthy dose of my favorite skateboarder Jason Dill, and you get one stoked fucking asian boy. Thanks to Mike O'Meally for these quality ass fucking photos.

O'Meally can also be attributed with taking one of the most breathtaking skateboard photos I've ever seen. It speaks for itself, yeah dawg, i'm sucking dat.

Bobby Puleo circa June 2001.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Sometimes I can't help but see things in black and white.

The groggy half drunk look is the result of me feeling like shit all weekend with major LDZ (you don't wanna know). Yum.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


I'm engaged in a never ending battle against my hair. For fear of being plagued with the crippling "bowl cut" for all eternity, I proclaimed a mighty "FUCK IT" and decided to shave my head back in september.

Worked out for a while, low maintenance, and I felt clean. BUT, it eventually began a horrible morphing into what I refer to as the azn fro. Good god.

Shit sucked anus. It eventually postured into a more manageable stage which worked for about a month or so.

Fast forward to today, I came to the realization that the creature resting atop my head had grown far too evil and menacing. Something had to be done. Shit was SCARY.

I told the barber, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH BIATCH, DO SUM SHIT. She did so. I can rest easy now at least for a few weeks till the Azn Bowl decides to rear its ugly head once again.

Saturday, February 02, 2008


I guess I could say that one of my new year's resolutions was to eat healthy, eat fresh. Well this picture demonstrates just how fickle I am with such matters. This shit was nuts. Fried chicken at its essence, from a hole-in-the-wall mom & pop joint. My bowel is going to explode.